Chrysonus icterocephalus. Like many blackbirds, the Yellow-hooded are gregarious and like to be near water. The sedentary (non-migratory) male builds a nest, displays for a female, and after she lays eggs and begins incubating he leaves to build another nest, and so on. They are late breeders, peaking in June to August. The males will chase away any female Shiny Cowbirds that approach near the nesting area. They are said to be "noisy" and "rather unmusical".
The male is shown here, with his extensive luxuriant golden yellow hood. The colors are much like our Yellow-headed Blackbird - same family, but different genus. There are only 2 species in the genus Chrysonus, and 2 subspecies of the Yellow-hooded, with this one being the nominate ssp., C. i. icterocephalus. Click on the image to view a larger version.

The Icterids number some 103 species, including the Bobolink, Meadowlarks, Blackbirds, Grackles, Cowbirds, Orioles, Caciques, and Oropendulas.
Best reference I found for the Yellow-hooded Blackbird:
Photos are from 1/17/13, and are significantly cropped because of the distance.