Our group had good looks at the Yellow-chinned Spinetail, Certhiaxis cinnamomeus, as it foraged in low open bushes for insects. The photo shows a rufous back, gray line above the eye, white underparts, a bit of yellow in throat, and a spiky tail hanging down alongside the tree branch. These are said to be common birds, "noisy and conspicuous", and are non-migrants.

There are 3 Spinetails in Trinidad-Tobago, and about 70 other Spinetails in the neotropics. Spinetails are named for their tail feathers, and are member of the family Funaridae, the Ovenbirds and Woodcreepers. None of the Funarids make it to the U.S. Our bird with the name "Ovenbird" is one of the Wood-Warblers, and not at all related to the Ovenbird family.
The Funaridae is a large and diverse family of perching birds, numbering almost 300 species. The array of common names is dizzying, reflecting most structure or behaviour. Names besides Spinetail are Barbtail, Thornbird, Leaf-Tosser, Castlebuilder, Foliage-Gleaner, Treehunter, Treecreeper, Xenops and others.